30 Day Likeability Challenge – Lesson 14
[pro-player type=”MP4″]https://bobsommers.com/videos/auto/14.flv[/pro-player]
We Like People Who Make Us Feel Welcome.
[pro-player type=”MP4″]https://bobsommers.com/videos/auto/14.flv[/pro-player]
We Like People Who Make Us Feel Welcome.
By Jim, March 12, 2010 @ 7:07 am
Bob these are not just simple lessons…they are pearls of wisdom which would have done Aesop, Dale Carnegie, Jim Rohn or Earl Nightingale credit. Thank you so much, priceless, regards Jim T.
By Jerome Kellner, March 12, 2010 @ 9:59 am
Wow, this one was a real eye-opener.
Checking this out over the past 48 hours, I feel pretty much irrelevant in everyone’s life that I know. And people I meet.
With a range from totally irrelevant to just a little bit relevant, but a very little bit.
What a revelation. There’s definitely room for improvement in this area, on many levels and in many ways.
Thanks for another great assignment, and the whole course.
By April Harris, April 17, 2011 @ 2:43 pm
Lesson #13 opened my eyes up to how relevant I really am! Thank you, Bob! People like being around me because I’ve been blessed to have the ability to be a climate changer. Meaning, I (so I’m told) transform hum-drum, tense or unfamiliar environments into warm, pleasant, comfortable ones. I make people feel good about themselves and life no matter what is really going on around them. This lesson helped me to understand why people would be/are so disappointed if I didn’t show up or participate in certain meetings, events, activities, etc. Bob, this was definitely an aha! moment for me. I appreciate your teaching and learning style. Thank you for helping me to understand myself better and those with whom I engage.
Be Blessed!